Pailles Straws-berry

A small gesture for a big impact in your establishment

Biodegradable straws: an essential change for the hospitality industry

Every day, millions of plastic straws are used around the world, a practice which, unfortunately, leaves an indelible ecological footprint. These little tubes, often seen in our favorite drinks, have become a global symbol of the environmental challenges we face. However, a simple and effective solution is emerging: biodegradable straws.

The environmental impact of plastic straws

The use of plastic straws, a single-use product, poses a major ecological challenge. Not only do they contribute significantly to ocean pollution, but they also affect marine life and often end up in our landfills, taking centuries to decompose.

The transition to biodegradable straws offers a promising alternative. These straws, made from natural and renewable materials, decompose in a significantly reduced time compared to their plastic counterparts. They therefore represent a responsible choice for establishments in the CHR sector (Cafes, Hotels, Restaurants) concerned about their environmental impact.

Why are biodegradable straws beneficial for hospitality?

Adopting biodegradable straws in the hospitality sector has several advantages:

  • Significant reduction in the ecological footprint of the establishment.
  • Contribution to the fight against plastic pollution.
  • Strengthening the brand image as an ecologically responsible company.
  • Improved customer experience through increased environmental awareness.
  • Opportunity to stand out from the competition by adopting sustainable practices.

In short, the integration of biodegradable straws, as well as other biodegradable disposable tableware items, into the daily operations of hotels and restaurants, represents not only an ecological gesture, but also a wise strategic choice.

The ecological emergency of plastic straws

Alarming statistics on pollution from plastic straws

The problem with plastic straws is much more serious than many people imagine. Every day, millions of these straws are thrown away, contributing significantly to global pollution. According to a recent study, around 8.3 billion plastic straws pollute beaches around the world.

These figures highlight the need to rethink our use of straws in CHR establishments, to reduce our environmental impact. Plastic straws, although a small part of our waste, have a disproportionate effect on our planet.

Environmental impact of plastic waste in the hospitality industry

The hospitality industry, with its massive consumption of disposable products, plays a crucial role in the production of plastic waste. Plastic straws, often used for a very short period of time, generally end up in oceans or landfills, contributing to pollution and risk to marine wildlife.

Here are some significant impacts of this use on the environment:

  • Environmental damage: Plastic straws break down into micro-plastics which harm marine ecosystems.
  • Risk to Wildlife: Many marine species ingest or become entangled in this waste, resulting in injury or death.
  • Public health concerns: Microplastics can eventually enter the food chain, posing risks to human health.

Faced with this ecological emergency, it becomes imperative for hospitality professionals to reconsider their choices in terms of disposable tableware and accessories, opting for more sustainable alternatives such as biodegradable straws.

Benefits of biodegradable straws

Composition and degradation process

Biodegradable straws are made from natural materials such as sugar cane, corn starch or bamboo. These materials allow the straws to decompose in a much more environmentally friendly way, thereby reducing the environmental footprint.

Unlike plastic straws which can take up to 200 years to decompose, biodegradable straws break down in just a few months, leaving minimal impact on the environment.

Comparison with plastic straws

Comparing biodegradable straws and plastic straws reveals significant differences, especially in terms of sustainability and ecological impact.

Here are some key points of comparison:

  • Decomposition time: Plastic straws take centuries to decompose, unlike biodegradable straws which degrade within months.
  • Impact on wildlife: Plastic straws can be harmful to animals and marine ecosystems, while biodegradable straws decompose more naturally and safely.
  • Carbon footprint: The manufacture of plastic straws is more energy-intensive and polluting, unlike that of biodegradable straws which is more environmentally friendly.

By opting for biodegradable straws, hospitality professionals can therefore play a crucial role in reducing plastic pollution and protecting our planet.

Integration of biodegradable straws in the CHR

How to introduce your biodegradable straws

Introducing biodegradable straws into CHR establishments can be a simple and effective process. This transition represents an important step towards a more global ecological strategy.

Here are some steps to successfully integrating biodegradable straws:

  • Evaluate the establishment's current straw needs and estimate the necessary quantity of biodegradable straws.
  • Choose a reliable supplier offering quality biodegradable straws.
  • Inform staff and customers about the benefits of biodegradable straws.
  • Gradually integrate biodegradable straws, replacing stocks of plastic straws.


Several establishments in the CHR sector have already succeeded in this ecological transition. Their experiences can serve as a guide and inspiration.

Many bars, hotels and restaurants in Paris have replaced all their plastic straws with biodegradable alternatives, seeing a positive reaction from both their customers and their staff.

These examples demonstrate how the adoption of biodegradable straws can be beneficial, both environmentally and commercially, for CHR establishments.

Long-term benefits for CHR companies

Economic and marketing benefits

The adoption of biodegradable straws offers not only environmental but also significant economic and marketing benefits for hospitality companies.

Among these advantages we find:

  • Long-term savings due to reduced consumption of disposable plastic straws.
  • Attractive to an ecologically conscious clientele who favors responsible establishments.
  • Possibilities for partnerships with other eco-responsible brands, thus creating new business opportunities.

Positive impact on brand image and customer loyalty

The impact of an ecological approach such as the use of biodegradable straws goes beyond the immediate benefits, positively influencing brand image and customer loyalty.

Here are some key aspects of this impact:

  • Improved brand image thanks to a clear and committed environmental policy.
  • Increased loyalty from customers who appreciate efforts in sustainability and eco-responsibility.
  • Positive reputation among the local community and in the industry, thereby attracting new customers.

Ultimately, integrating biodegradable straws and other eco-friendly practices can become a core part of branding, contributing to sustainable, eco-friendly success.


To recap, adopting biodegradable straws in the hospitality sector is not only an eco-friendly choice, but also a smart business strategy. These sustainable alternatives offer significant advantages in terms of environmental responsibility, brand image, and appeal to customers aware of ecological issues.

A step towards a more responsible hotel industry

For hospitality professionals, integrating compostable straws and other sustainable practices represents an opportunity to stand out and contribute positively to the protection of our environment.

  • Reconsider your choices of consumables and opt for biodegradable alternatives.
  • Commit to a sustainability approach and share your efforts with your customers.
  • Actively contribute to the transition towards a more responsible and environmentally friendly hotel industry.

Adopting biodegradable straws is a small gesture with a big impact, and it's an essential step towards a more sustainable future for all.